Pitch-and-Plant your ideas in campus gardening contest
Published Aug 7, 2016
Bright ideas and green thumbs are the only pre-requisites for a campus gardening contest hosted by the Horticulture Innovation Lab this summer.

UC Davis student Elise Brockett, plants vegetable seedlings at the Horticulture Innovation Lab Demonstration Center, where a few extra raised beds are waiting for contest winners’ bright ideas. Photo credit: Brenda Dawson/Horticulture Innovation Lab.
UC Davis student Elise Brockett, plants vegetable seedlings at the Horticulture Innovation Lab Demonstration Center, where a few extra raised beds are waiting for contest winners’ bright ideas. Photo credit: Brenda Dawson/Horticulture Innovation Lab.
At the Horticulture Innovation Lab Demonstration Center on campus, a few empty raised garden beds are waiting for some new plants. The “Pitch-and-Plant” gardening contest invites students and community members to help fill those garden beds with interesting plants.
This outdoor site is currently home to vegetables varieties from Africa and Asia, such as spider plant and leafy amaranth. The center also displays agricultural tools that university researchers use with small-scale farmers in developing countries. Visitors are welcome; find the Horticulture Innovation Lab Demonstration Center on the campus map.
To participate, July 1 is the deadline to make your pitch for what you would like to plant in just three PowerPoint slides. Send this quick pitch to Britta Hansen, bhansen@ucdavis.edu. Those with winning ideas could be getting their hands dirty with planting as early as July 18. Winners will be responsible for maintaining their creative garden plants (and eating their own harvest too!) for the rest of the summer.
See full details about how to participate in the Pitch-and-Plant contest flier.
Catch up with what’s growing at the Horticulture Innovation Lab Demonstration Center this summer, in a recent blog post.